Meet Loving Foods

Meet Loving Foods

At Bonobono, we take pride in offering the finest plant-based products, and Loving Foods is a shining example of our commitment to quality and well-being. Founded in 2016 by siblings Mendel and Faye, later joined by Faye’s husband Adam, Loving Foods is rooted in a passion for fermented foods and their transformative health benefits.

A Story of Health and Healing
The journey began when Faye, struggling with chronic IBS, turned to her brother Mendel, a qualified nutritional therapist, for help. Mendel’s knowledge of natural foods led Faye to make significant dietary changes, including incorporating fermented foods. The results were life-changing. As their passion for fermentation grew, Mendel started crafting his own creations, which Faye enthusiastically shared with friends and family.

This personal journey soon evolved into Loving Foods, a brand dedicated to sharing the power of fermented foods with a wider audience, driven by a mission to promote better well-being for all.

Organic and Authentic
Loving Foods is committed to using only the best ingredients. All their vegetables, fruits, and spices are certified organic, sourced from local farms and wholesalers that champion sustainable practices. While salt and water cannot be certified organic, the brand ensures every other ingredient meets rigorous organic standards. Their dedication is recognised by the Organic Food Federation (GB-ORG-04), with annual inspections to maintain their certification.

Why Bonobono Loves Loving Foods
Loving Foods aligns perfectly with our values of health, sustainability, and quality. Their fermented products are more than just delicious; they’re a testament to the healing power of natural, organic ingredients. Whether you’re new to fermented foods or a long-time fan, their range offers something special for everyone.

Explore their life-giving loveliness in every jar and discover the benefits of fermentation with Loving Foods—a brand dedicated to nourishing both body and soul.

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